Saturday 30 June 2012

Update on Merles

Awful at updating this!! Merlin is 5 and a half months old and is doing well.

He's happy and healthy and making some lovely doggy friends, although perhaps a little too excitable and big for the older dogs now, so we stay away from them :)

Training had been going well, until the last couple of days, where he has now decided that no treat is good enough for him.. so we're now trying to turn sniffing and playing with dogs into the reward... Which sounds simple, but isn't!

Today was day one of the sniffing, and I have just been saying sniff everytime he sniffs, so he understands, so on our walk, I was like 'sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff' an awful lot! - Hopefully he'll get it soon..

He is getting a lot better at being left, and isn't half as fussed when Josh leaves as he was - thank god.

The car sickness is still there, even though we thought we'd got over it with a thundershirt... but there is less dribble, but still very much a work in progress.

Now... Picture Time :)